Knowing how to think has never been more critical

Professors of philosophy and education on a mission to enlighten minds not of what, but how to think.

The Critical Thinking Initiative positively influences society by translating the methods of reasoning and argumentation that are the specialization of Philosophy for implementation across a diverse range of contexts, transforming educational and other organizations into sites of critical and creative inquiry, rational decision-making, and public reason.

Our Partners’ Programs

  • UCLA Precollege Critical Thinking Institute

  • Critical Thinking and Philosophy, for everyone

  • University of Queensland Critical Thinking Project

Elevate critical thinking in your classroom, school, or district.

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For professionals…

Since 2012, we have been enabling teachers to articulate reasoning skills within the context of disciplinary knowledge, but in a way that empowers students to transfer the language, skill set, and cognitive awareness associated with critical thinking across into other areas of their lives as well as other disciplines. 

…and everyone else.

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Critical thinking isn’t a subject. It’s a way of life. Not just for students, but for everyone.

Join us. Because knowing how to think has never been so critical.